TMAS members are welcomed to a half-day workshop on the theme of AI. How does the technology work? What are the areas of use for textile machines? How should we think when implementing AI projects? Together with colleagues in the industry, you get the chance to immerse yourself in the field, discuss opportunities and challenges under the leadership of Thomas Nilsson, CEO at Ledai AB. We also get to see and test practical examples of AI with relevance for textile machines.
For who?
The workshop is aimed at company managers, development engineers, programmers and automation engineers.
The workshop is free of charge for employees of TMAS member companies.
We start the day with lunch together!
Invitation and link to sign up will be distributed shortly.
Program September 7
12.00-13.00 Lunch, The Company, Skaraborgsvägen 3C
Workshop: Textile Fashion Center, DoTank, Skaraborgsvägen 3A
13.00 Introduction, introduction Industry 4.0, AI in the textile industry
- AI for quality assurance
- AI for image analysis – we’ll see a practical AI example
- AI for vibration analysis – AI display included here too
14.30 Coffee break
- How can this be used in the textile machines or as new services?
- How does a normal AI project work? What skills are needed? To think of?
- Summary and concluding remarks
16.00 End of workshop
About Thomas Nilsson:
Thomas Nilsson has many years of experience in facilitating workshops in the meeting between business and technology development, from several industries. Since the fall of 2022, Thomas has worked with textile AI together with Borås Science Park where implementation of AI solutions is ongoing in their lab DoTank.